Who are the gujjars ?
Who is at the upper caste, Gujjar(gurjar) or Brahmin?
gurjar Rashtra gurjar pradesh गुर्जर प्रदेश गुज्जर gurjar
maharashtra महाराष्ट्र -maratha
(Upper picture shows how two ethnicity of India changed in to other unnatural (apbhransha) words in past timeline)
Gurjars are a caste/ and Brahmins are a varna!
And in Gurjar named ethnicity 4 of varnas are found' gurjar brahmans, gurjar kshatriya, gurjar vaishy , Gurjar Shudra _on behalf of their professions!
There are also gurjar brahmin who live mainly in Gujarat, it is said that when Nag Bhatt ji went to Kannauj and Thanesar, many people of Gujjar Pradesh i.e. today's Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh's soldiers also took part, who went to fight against Arabian, till Afghan. Because of which Gujjar is also present in Afghan
Gurjar Brahmin is also a Brahmin varna which is a type of Gujarati pancha dravid Brahmins.
क्षेत्राधारेण ब्राह्मणस्य भेदाः-
(Regional identify ) there are *2 type of brahmans divided in Indian subcontinents (to north of vindhya pravat and to South of vindhya pravat)are_1_ Gaud it and 2 _Draavid द्रविड़, gaud Brahmins are decided by Brahm Rishi vasishtha Ji and draavid Brahmins are decided by bhagwan muni Agattiyar aka Agastya muni Ji _
(picture shows' Muni Agattiyar (agastya) Ji drinking sea(may be when they (मुनि अगस्त्य जी )made sangam kaal's dravidian Sanskriti, so the people think they drunk that ocean of darkness in Southern range ,that's why this symbolic story indirectly indicate dravidian sanskriti's origination in Southern India (on the other side ,Samudra समुद्र word have another synonym meaning in Sanskrit and that is Antariksh/space may be they आत्मसात् (engulf)the Akash तत्त्व in his kundalini chakra, like aaditya and daitya churning the samudra means Antariksh Akash(space) (समुद्र मंथन) so may be similar here agastya Ji try to drink Akash tatva by their psychic powers), muni Agattiyar Ji made these panch dravid landmasses on Indian subcontinent in Ancient timeline)
द्रविड़ शब्द की उत्पत्ति के बहुत सुझाव है लेकिन मेरे हिसाब से द्रविड़ शब्द राजा पृथु के पुत्र द्रविण से उत्पन्न हुआ है, और द्रविन एक पौराणिक जगह भी है जिसे क्रौंच द्वीप का देश या वर्ष बोलते है, देव तुल्य राजा पृथु के कारण ही धरती को पृथ्वी नाम से संबोधित किया जाता है !
(Picture shows brahm Rishi vasishtha Ji in form of (sapt Rishi) ursa major's star (mizer) with her wife Arundhati's sybolic star named as alcor, Brahm Rishi vasishtha Ji defines Aryavarta and Arya siddhanta in Ancient timeline, they originated panch gaud Landmass in past)
(AAUpper picture shows Ghor_ Gaur province of Afghanistan, many of aadi gaur gilyan brahmin said that when amir suri accepted Islam, so after this, the Brahmin people of that area (ghor province) was came to India via raval pindi route to secure himself from Arabian islamisation, So after of this today, These Brahmin are known as Aadi gaud gilyan Brahmin in current India ) गौड़ शब्द की उत्पत्ति घोर या गिरी से मानी जाती है ! कुछ लोग बंगाल को गौड़ से जोड़ते है, जो की इस प्रकार है की गोंड प्रदेश के उत्कल गौड़ ब्राह्मण वर्ण से ही ये बंगाल, बंग गौड़ उपाधि से भूषित हुआ है, लेकिन आदि गौड़ गिल्यान गोत्र के गौड़ अफ़ग़ानिस्तान मे स्थित गिरी या घोर से उद्धार मे आये है !
सृष्टियारम्भे ब्राह्मणस्य जातिरेका प्रकीर्तिता एवं पूर्व जातिरेका देशभेदादद्विधाऽभवत् ।। गौड़ द्राविड़ भेदेन देशकाले समन्विता ।।
अर्थ सृष्टि के आरम्भ काल में सम्पूर्ण भारतवर्ष के सभी नागरिक भारतीय कहलाते थे, एक मात्र सनातन धर्म रूपेण धर्म-कर्म में लीन रहकर भगवद् पूजा पाठ कर अपने को कृतार्थ समझते थे। केवल ब्रह्मा द्वारा प्रतिपादित वर्णानुरूप ही कार्य करते थे। पश्चात् सभ्यता, शिक्षा की दृष्टि से भारतवर्ष को खण्डों में पुकारा जाने लगा। 1.गौड़ क्षेत्र, 2. द्रविड़ क्षेत्र इन विभक्त क्षेत्रों में रहने वाले लोग आपस में दूसरे क्षेत्र में रहने वालों को पहचान के तौर पर क्षेत्र के नाम से पुकारने लगे, जैसे गौड़ क्षेत्र में रहने वाले ब्राह्मणों को गौड़ ब्राह्मण तथा द्रविण क्षेत्र में रहने वालों को द्राविड़ ब्राह्मण
-: गौड़ ब्राह्मणस्य भेदा:
Gaud (ghor) brahamans (there are 5 type of ghor aka gaud brahamans are described in Hindu manuscripts - Sarsvat, kanykubja, maithil, aadi gaud (who came from Today's of afghanistan's ghor aka giri named province /mandesh मध्य देश, and last ending region of gaud Brahmins are utkala(Today's of bengol and odisa range !
इन क्षेत्रीय नामों से उत्तरी भारत (गौड़ देश) के अन्तर्गत रहने वाले गौड़ ब्राह्मणों को 5 (पाँच) भिन्न-भिन्न स्थानीय नामों से पुकारा गया, जो बाद में गौड़ ब्राह्मणों के पांच भेद हुए। श्लोक : सारस्वताः कान्यकुब्जा गौड़ मैथिल उत्कलाः । पंच गौड़ा इतिख्याता विन्ध्यस्योत्तरवासिनः । ब्राह्मण उत्पत्ति मारतण्ड !!
अर्थ- सारस्वत, कान्यकुब्ज, गौड़, मैथिल उत्कल नाम से पाँचों को पंच गौड़ कहा जाता है क्योंकि एक ही गौड़ वंश के लोग भिन्न-भिन्न क्षेत्रों में रहने से उस क्षेत्र के नाम से जाने गए | 1. सरस्वती नदी के आसपास के क्षेत्र में रहने वाले सारस्वत ब्राह्मण कहाए । 2. कन्नौज अथवा उसके अन्तर्गत जितना भी क्षेत्र आता था, उस क्षेत्र में रहने वालों को कान्यकुब्ज ब्राह्मण कहा गया। 3. मिथिलांचल में रहने वालों को मैथिल ब्राह्मण पुकारा जाने लगा। 4. उत्कल प्रदेश के रहने वाले उत्कल ब्राह्मण तथा शेष क्षेत्रवासियों को गौड़ ब्राह्मण (अफ़ग़ानिस्तान मे एक घोर नाम का प्रांत है जहाँ के ब्राह्मण आदि गौर कहलाते है जो अमीर सूरी नाम के अफ़ग़ानिया शासक के समय हरियाणा आगये थे क्योकि उसने इस्लाम अपना लिया था पहले वो साकार मूर्ति पूजक और बौद्ध था) नाम से पुकारा जाने लगा। इस प्रकार एक ही ब्राह्मण वंश के लोगों को अलग-अलग क्षेत्रों में बसने के कारण अलग अलग नामों से पुकारा जाने लगा और एक ही ब्राह्मण वंश के पाँच भेद उत्पन्न हुए। पाँचों को पंचगौड़ कहा जाता है । आदि गौड़ ब्राह्मण आज के अफ़ग़ानिस्तान से घोर नाम की जगह से शुरू हो कर बंगाल के गोंड प्रदेश तक बंग गौड़ नाम पहचान मे खत्म होते है।
- द्राविड़ ब्राह्मणस्य भेदा: (Draavid brahamans)
जिस प्रकार गौड़ क्षेत्र में क्षेत्रीय कारणों से एक ही ब्रह्म वंश के पांच विभिन्न नाम हुए, ठीक ऐसा ही द्राविड़ क्षेत्र में हुआ, वहां क्षेत्रीय नामों से पुकारने के कारण उसी एक ब्राह्मण वंश के अलग-अलग पांच भेद बन गये ? (Five type of Draavid regional identify brahamans are described in Hindus manuscripts - Kannada, tailanga, Dakshin Draavid, Maharashtrian, and last Gurjara !!!
कर्णाटकाश्च तैलंगा द्राविड़ महाराष्ट्र गुर्जराः । पंच द्राविड़ इतिख्याता विन्ध्यस्य दक्षिणवासिनः ।। ब्राह्मण उत्पत्ति मारतण्ड
अर्थ:- विन्ध्याचल से दक्षिण भाग में रहने वाले द्राविड़ ब्राह्मणों के पांच भेद हुए। कर्नाटक प्रान्त में रहने वाले ब्राह्मण, कर्नाटक ब्राह्मण कहलाए। तेलगु प्रान्त के रहने वालों को तेलंग ब्राह्मण, महाराष्ट्र प्रान्त में रहने वालों को महाराष्ट्र ब्राह्मण, गुजरात प्रान्त में रहने वालों को गुर्जर ब्राह्मण पुकारा जाने लगा। शेष क्षेत्र के रहने वाले ब्राह्मण द्राविड़ ब्राह्मण नाम से विख्यात हुए। इन पाँचों का पंच द्राविड़ कहा जाता है ।
(Upper picture shows range of gaud and dravid brahmans)
When Samudra Gupta and then Harsh Vardhan finally defeated Hun, (note that : huns are not gurjars)after harshvardhan in 150-250 years of gap when
The Arabic invaders came to sindh, who were advancing by defeating Raja Dahir, and then many caste people of Gujarat proceeded to fight with arabians in leadership of nagbhatt (some scholars said that he was descendant of Baan bhatt (बाण भट्ट जी ) who was Friend of harshavardhan/note: after later of his age Harshvardhan accepted mahayana buddhism)those soldiers who took part in these wars and also came with an identity as gurjrata ethnic migrants people are whom we speak today as Gujjars in different regions.
- like maratha Bajirao 1 pratham (peshva)had access to Khyber Pass and Kalat queta of baloch in his Military campaign so same situation also occured here in gurjar nagbhatt 1 Military operations}
The Gujjars, like the Marathas, were residents of a special place, which is present-day Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.
Just as the Brahmins of the naagar surname live in Gujarat, and the surname holder of the same name in Haryana is called as Gurjar.
Gujjar is an ethnicity like maratha and gorakhas, not any varna system
(Gujaraat means Gurjar Rashtra_ RT1, the Nation of gurjar, gujjar pradesh, today of Madhya pradesh and gujrat (+ sindh,khujdar) are known as Gurjar pradesh in past timeline, and the people who born in this region are known as gujjars and gurjar by another regional populations, like maharashtrian people known as maratha in current timeline! And, here In gurjar pradesh many of caste and varna Live, gurjar brahaman, gurjar kshatriya, gurjar vaishy, gurjar Shudra, all of these 4 varna found in gurjar pradesh and when these all varna went to another places of Indian subcontinent they Simply called as gujjars and gurjars by that another province's residential populations,
(and Beware from those people who said brahmans declared gurjars as Shudra((although this is a fake and false theory made by anti hindu propagandists to blame brahmans)), and according to brahaman granths every people's caste / Ja, are defined on by 72 generations of their ancestors purity! And varna system is only a system which describe your profession not caste // race)
Gurjar is an ethnicity not varna
Upper picture shows A landmass which was commonly known as Guruttar Rashtra /gurjar Rashtra or pradesh in past timeline
(Gurjar Rashtra / Gurjar pradesh, guru tar bhumi - गुरुत्तर भूमि (guru + uttar bhumi) guru means Master teacher wisdom giver and uttar means post / बाद मे, ऊपर, दिशा गुरु उत्तर या द्वारा तारक भूमि ही गुर्जर भूमि कहलाई ) जैसे गौरक्षा से गौरक्ष हो कर गोरख हो गया फिर उसी से गोरखा हो कर गुरखा हो गया, ऐसे ही कई अन्य जातीय स्थान या सम्मान विशेष मे चिह्नित हुई।
Some examples of .
/gurjar Rashtra or pradesh in past timeline
(Gurjar Rashtra / Gurjar pradesh, guru tar bhumi-गुरुत्तर भूमि (guru + uttar bhumi) guru means Master teacher wisdom giver and uttar means post / बाद मे, ऊपर, दिशा गुरु उत्तर या द्वारा तारक भूमि ही गुर्जर भूमि कहलाई ) जैसे गौरक्षा से गौरक्ष हो कर गोरख हो गया फिर उसी से गोरखा हो कर गुरखा हो गया, ऐसे ही कई अन्य जातीय स्थान या सम्मान विशेष मे चिह्नित हुई
Some examples of,
अपभ्रंश apbhransh (Unnatural ) name that changed time to time by linguistics or by common peoples -
Gaurkasha (original) - Gaurakha - Gurakha(apbhransha /Unnatural)
Maharashtra - Maharatha - Maratha
Gurjar Rashtra - Gurjarata - gujjara Rashtrakut - Rathaud - Rathore
Ghor - Gaur - Gaud
Who are the Gurjar?
*Sometimes someone says that Gurjar means to kill the enemy, then someone says that Gurjar means desolate, but in my understanding it means land for the Guru and the land which Deliverance by guru and sage! The word Gurjar simply refers to a particular place. And the people of that particular place used to be called Gujjars by outsiders, which has become an ethnic identity today.Gujjars are neither Huns nor Western Chinese tribals, nor are they Turks, nor are they Kushan ,( Indian People only come under the clutches of western fools!) Gujjars are people from the Gurjar pradesh (rashtra )which belongs to Indian subcontinent, (not that they are outsiders!)If the Gurjars are identified as from Asia Minor and caucasian moutain states, they keep it because the people of Gurjar Pradesh, who were gurjar pradesh's merchants, soldiers, ambassadors, who were feudal masters, Those who once to many times visited these foreign states, (so thats why) then the people of these Gurjar pradesh still keep a partial identity in those foreign states.(so thats why they gurjar pradesh's people also identify in many Foreign Asian's books and places) The Gurjar caste belongs solely to the land of India and not to any outlying region. Just as many gypsies of Sinti Roma people of India reached Europe, similarly some nomads of Gurjar Pradesh also reached those foreign countries in the past.*
*And some people who do this nonsense that the why/how Gujjars are also live in Afghanistan?,and also in Khurasan? ,so First of they should know that Afghanistan has been a royalty of the Hindus in many timelines, some examples like: Chachashahi, Gandhara janapad,hindu Rajshahi, Maurya janapada, Kapisa zunbil shahi, karkotka kingdom,from the beginning of afghanistan this landmass has been the native place of hindu royals, it is a common sense that the how Gurjars found here in these regions. And btw Therefore, no matter how the Gurjars came here, but in some hindu manuscripts, the Gurjars are residents of Panch Dravid area, in which the todays of nimruz Brahui Dravidian small region of (Balochistan / afghanistan) are also present!*
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